How to Avoid the 4 Biggest Pitfalls in Customer Engagements

Posted Monday, September 30, 2013 in Customer Experience by Patricia Seybold

There’s nothing worse than recruiting customers to work with you to come up with new solutions and then falling flat on your face because you weren’t actually able to deliver what customers wanted. That has happened to us and our clients a few times. But we’ve learned a lot from those experiences. And you are the beneficiaries. We’ve distilled what we’ve learned from our failures and near misses into a set of clear success metrics.

Fourth Showstopper for Customer-Centric Projects

Secret to Successful Customer Engagements
Beware of These Four Things that Will Doom Your Customer-Centric Initiatives
By Patricia B. Seybold, CEO & Sr. Consultant, September 27, 2013

(Read the short sample and download the full article in PDF.)



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