How We Co-Design Customer Co-Design

Posted Thursday, March 20, 2014 in Customer Experience by Patricia Seybold

Many of the articles we write and many of the consulting, training, and mentoring projects we do involve improving customer experience and/or designing new and/or improved products, services, and business models. Like all consultants, we have a set of methods and tools we use. We call ours Customer Co-Design, and it includes a method for facilitating workshops including customers and cross-functional stakeholders who co-design new experiences and/or products and services together. Csm_graphic_partners_largeWe call this workshop Customer Scenario® Mapping. We use it within organizations to help internal employees build consensus about the ideal customer experience they want to deliver. When used in this way—Customer Scenario Mapping is most similar to the technique of Customer Journey Mapping. We also use this method to facilitate co-design workshops with end-customers (business and/or consumers), partners, internal stakeholders, and external stakeholders. What’s fun and useful about this approach is that it’s “customers all the way down” – you start with the customers designing their ideal way to “do their jobs” and then all the supporting layers and business processes neatly align around the customers’ key moments of truth and success metrics.  

This week, Ronni Marshak shares the stories of how our Customer Scenario Mapping technique has been co-designed with our clients and their customers for almost three decades now.

The History of Customer Scenario® Design
Co-Designed and Evolved with Customers
By Ronni T. Marshak, EVP and Senior Consultant, Patricia Seybold Group, March 20, 2014



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