Customer Journey Mapping—Seybold Style

Posted Saturday, May 24, 2014 in Customer Experience by Patricia Seybold

We’ve had a lot of demand for Customer Journey Mapping recently. Perhaps it’s the customer experience flavor du jour. But we’re happy that so many companies are paying renewed attention to the quality of the end-to-end customer experience they deliver.

Customer Journey Map ExampleWe’ve been mapping customer experiences for over 25 years with clients in many different industries—way before the term Customer Journey Mapping was invented. What’s good about a single Customer Journey Map is that it represents the end-to-end experience you want to provide from the first moment a customer engages with your brand until their last breath (or until they no longer need you). What’s challenging about creating a single end-to-end Customer Journey is that every organization has a lot of different types of customers in different contexts at different stages. And different customers in different contexts need and care about different things. In this first article about our approach to Customer Journey Mapping, we explain how you can capture the requirements of your key target customer segments using Customer Scenario Maps and then combine the key patterns from those scenarios to create an end-to-end Customer Journey Map that accurately reflects all of their needs.

Customer Journey Mapping
How to Ensure that Your Customer Experience Journey Map Reflects Your Customers’ Scenarios
By Patricia B. Seybold, CEO & Sr. Consultant, May 23, 2014



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