Showing search results for "michelson"

  • Service Discovery Using Customer Scenario Mapping

    Building Your Services Catalog

    by Brenda Michelson in Articles
    A key to service-oriented architecture success is the development of a services catalog that provides the functional depth and breadth to match your business and IT infrastructure. In this report, ...
    Sep. 4, 2008
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  • Observations from the Field: SOA

    Conversations with Architects and Technologists on the Hard Part, the Hype, and Zero Code

    by Brenda Michelson in Articles
    In our roles as consultants, industry analysts, and (IT) community participants, we have the opportunity to interact with a variety of individuals from both enterprises and technology providers, on a ...
    May. 4, 2006
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  • Net Neutrality

    An Important Topic for National Conversation

    by Brenda Michelson in Articles
    US Congress is exploring revisions to the nation’s communications laws. One of the most important, and contested, issues under consideration is Net Neutrality. In a neutral model, the network operators ...
    Feb. 16, 2006
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  • Event-Driven Architecture Overview

    Event-Driven SOA Is Just Part of the EDA Story

    by Brenda Michelson in Articles
    We are pleased to see an increased interest in the connection between SOA and EDA. Enterprise architects and IT strategists are considering how to best create (evolve) an environment for ...
    Feb. 2, 2006
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  • Best Practices, Lessons Learned, and Takeaways from Enterprise SOA Practitioners

    A Report from InfoWorld’s SOA Executive Forum

    by Brenda Michelson in Articles
    During the first week of November, InfoWorld held an SOA Executive Forum in New York. From our perspective, the true value of the forum came from the enterprise SOA practitioner ...
    Nov. 23, 2005
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  • A New Service-Oriented Architecture Maturity Model

    SOA MM from Sonic Software, Systinet, AmberPoint, and BearingPoint Now Public

    by Brenda Michelson in Articles
    On October 27, 2005, a service-oriented architecture (SOA) provider consortium, comprised of Sonic Software, Systinet, AmberPoint, and BearingPoint released a new SOA Maturity Model to the public. The SOA MM ...
    Nov. 3, 2005
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  • Open Source Considerations

    Evaluation Criteria for Open Source Solutions

    by Brenda Michelson in Articles
    The inevitable has happened. Open source has moved all the way up the enterprise stack. No longer are enterprises contemplating whether they should use open source, but rather, where to ...
    Oct. 20, 2005
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  • The Vanilla Layer Cake Theory

    Using Service-Orientation for Non-Invasive Application Package Customization

    by Brenda Michelson in Articles
    There are classic rules of thumb used in buy/build decisions. Buy in situations of parity. Build for competitive advantage/differentiation. In a buy scenario, you willingly cede control of the end ...
    Oct. 6, 2005
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  • Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) Primer

    Understanding an Important Component of SOA and Integration Strategies

    by Brenda Michelson in Articles
    Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) is an important specification for enterprise IT professionals pursuing SOA and integration strategies to understand. In this primer, we answer four basic questions: "What is ...
    Sep. 8, 2005
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  • A Blogosphere Primer

    Understanding the Basics: Blogging, Syndication, Reading, Searching, and Tagging

    by Brenda Michelson in Articles
    At the Patricia Seybold Group, our interest in the blogosphere is three-fold. First, as researchers, writers and publishers, the blogosphere provides us with new sources of information, new delivery mechanisms, ...
    Aug. 25, 2005
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  • Web Services, Services and SOA: What Companies Care About

    Results from Release 2 of our Web Services Survey

    by Brenda Michelson in Articles
    Over the span of two weeks in late May and early June 2005, we administered “Release 2” of our Web Services survey. Release 1 was conducted in October 2002, when ...
    Jun. 30, 2005
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  • "Service-Oriented World" Cheat Sheet

    A Guide to Key Concepts, Technology, and More…

    by Brenda Michelson in Articles
    It’s no secret we are fans of services and service-oriented architecture. For years, we have been proclaiming the significance of SOA and Web Services technology in creating an adaptive IT ...
    Jun. 2, 2005
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  • Enterprise Service Bus Q&A

    Considering the Enterprise Service Bus as a Backbone Candidate for the Networked Integration Environment

    by Brenda Michelson in Articles
    In our coverage of IT integration for customer experience, we have discussed the business and technology drivers for enterprise integration, the overall integration solution landscape, an eleven-point best practice integration ...
    May. 19, 2005
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  • Integration Scenarios and the Networked Integration Environment

    Pillars of Your IT Integration Strategy for Customer Experience

    by Brenda Michelson in Articles
    In our first report on enterprise integration, we introduced the concepts of scenario-based integration and a networked integration environment as the pillars of an IT integration strategy for customer experience. ...
    Apr. 14, 2005
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  • Integration and Customer Experience

    Creating an IT Integration Strategy to Deliver an Integrated Customer Experience

    by Brenda Michelson in Articles
    In this report, the first of our new integration research area, we discuss the importance of integration to customer experience and share our perspective on how to develop an IT ...
    Mar. 31, 2005
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  • American Customer Satisfaction Suffers Its Biggest Drop in Seven Years

    What Are the Implications of the ACSI Decline?

    by Brenda Michelson in Articles
    The 4Q 2004 American Customer Satisfaction Index suffered its first drop in two years and its largest drop since 1997. The ACSI indicates a slowdown in the growth of consumer ...
    Mar. 3, 2005
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  • The Evolution of Service-Oriented Architecture

    From Integration to Business Scenario Development

    by Brenda Michelson in Articles
    Topping the list of must have technology strategies in 2005-2006 is service-oriented architecture (SOA). SOA is an important IT architectural strategy that will change how software is developed, used, and ...
    Jan. 6, 2005
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  • Designing a Fluid Enterprise Using an Adaptive, Customer-Centric IT Architecture

    Creating a Blended IT Architectural Portfolio to Support Your Customer-Centric Business

    by Brenda Michelson in Articles
    Does our idea of blending the new architecture strategies (service-oriented architecture, process-based architecture, event-driven architecture, grid-enhanced architecture, and real-time/right-time architecture) intrigue you? Have you wondered how to approach the blended ...
    Dec. 9, 2004
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  • Creating a Blended Architectural Portfolio

    Candidate Strategies for Your Blended Architecture

    by Brenda Michelson in Articles
    Are you trying to choose between the new Architecture strategies--services oriented, process based, event driven, Grid enhanced, or real time/right time? Have you thought about how much better it could ...
    Oct. 14, 2004
  • L.L. Bean's Architecture Evolution

    Employing a Services-Oriented Architecture for Cross-Channel Synergy

    by Brenda Michelson in Articles
    This case study demonstrates the evolution of a services-oriented Architecture strategy, prior to the widespread availability of the technologies most commonly associated with SOA implementation today. Beyond the Architecture and ...
    Sep. 9, 2004
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