Good Service, but Missed Opportunity for Greatness

A Recommendation for Peapod Grocery Delivery Service

August 30, 2013

Peapod grocery delivery service does a fine job of customer service, but the customer service department was recently faced with a situation for which it had no easy remedy. There should have been a simple solution, but a barrier between what they know about a customer and the customer service department made the situation more difficult to fix than it needed to be.


Peapod Grocery Delivery Service does an excellent job on providing a great customer experience. Highlights include:

  • Well-designed website for easy ordering
  • Easy scheduling of delivery
  • Great customer service
  • A customer-centric philosophy

However, in a recent delivery, an unusual problem came up, and, although the company should have has the information to proactively remedy the situation, customer service didn’t have that capability.

Reordering from Peapod

 Reordering from Peapod

© 2013 Peapod by Stop & Shop and Patricia Seybold Group, Inc.

1. Peapod keeps track of all my orders and lets me create my grocery list based on past lists. In addition, the “Guess my order” feature fills your cart with the items and quantities you normally buy. You can then review the list and adjust quantities or delete items.


Fulfilling a Need

I admit it…I’m a wimp. I have a bad back and a bad knee (poor me), so carrying groceries up the long flight of steps to my condo unit is difficult, if not downright painful. So, once a month or so, I rely on the Peapod grocery delivery service (ordering and bringing me groceries from Stop & Shop in the Boston area) to bring me a large grocery order. I make sure that my delivery includes all the heavy stuff, like cans and bottles and boxes of detergent, as well as bulky stuff, like big packages of paper towels. I also order some perishables, but only what I can use in a few days, going to the store to replenish fruits, veggies, and meats as needed.

Recently, my pleasure at having the option for easy grocery delivery was reinforced. I was visiting family in Rochester, NY, and they were encouraging me to consider retiring there. Property is so much cheaper as is the overall cost of living; there are a lot of cultural activities, including community theater (my passion); and there are excellent services for senior citizens. But, to my surprise, one thing they didn’t have was online grocery ordering and delivery—a service I believe would be cherished by the aging Rochester community. One strike against moving there.

Excellent Website for Ordering

I have been delighted with Peapod. The website is very easy to…(more)


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