Rethinking CRM

Customers Don't Want to Be Managed; They Do Want Good Experiences and Outcomes

April 1, 2004

How should you be thinking about CRM? Don’t limit your thinking to the traditional triumvirate of inward-facing marketing, sales, and service. Instead, expand your thinking to encompass customer experience management. Today’s customer-centric executives have expanded the purview of their CRM initiatives to encompass end-to-end customer experience management. Their mandate now includes merchandising and product information, as well as all customer-impacting operational systems and processes, including inventory management, provisioning, fulfillment, billing, and many other related areas. Where will you find the best payoff from CRM? Start with cross-channel customer service. You’ll convert prospects to customers faster and you’ll improve customer loyalty and profitability. Then leverage the customer insights you glean from serving customers in your marketing, merchandising, and sales initiatives.


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