Brand Management

  • Understanding Your Next Generation Customers

    How Do Tweens Feel about Brands?

    Today’s tweens (ages 8-14) are tomorrow’s customers and employees. It’s important to understand how they react to branding.
    Mar. 20, 2003
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  • Retailers’ Friend or Foe?

    How Amazon Stacks Up as a Retail Partner

    by moves from online retailer to offering merchandising and marketing partnerships with other retailers.
    Dec. 19, 2002
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  • Who "Owns" the Customer in Your Company?

    Announcing our Customer Manifesto. Your Customers Will Soon Resolve Your Company’s Territorial Conflicts—Are You Ready?

    Customers are demanding control over their relationships and their information. We summarize these demands in our Customer Manifesto and offer implementation tips, best practices, and six steps to success.
    Jul. 18, 2002
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  • Of Mergers and Brands

    Quality of Customer Experience(SM) Suffers in Most Mergers--Thoughts about Sears/Lands' End and HP/Compaq

    Can merged companies, such as HP/Compaq and the proposed Sears/Lands’ End maintain a superb customer experience?
    May. 16, 2002
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  • Philips Consumer Electronics Gets Closer to Its Customers:

    Personalization and Manufacturers’ Aisles Are Key Strategies for Customer and Dealer Loyalty

    Philips Consumer Electronics is working on a two-pronged approach to interacting with customers, capturing information about end customer visits and enabling dealers to provide Philips-branded manufacturers’ aisles.
    Jan. 11, 2001
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  • Don't Manage Your Partners

    Manage Your Customer Experience

    The value of Partner Relationship Management is tied to the value of the partnership itself. And that value is ultimately derived from the value the channel provides to the customer.
    Sep. 21, 2000
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