Customer Experience & VOC

  • Interviewing End-Customers

    Tips and Sample Questionnaires

    Interviewing customers is the best way to understand what they do, what they need, and what they care about. But effective interviewing is an art and a skill to be nurtured. Here are tips and samples to help you get the most out of customer interviews.
    Feb. 6, 2014
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  • How to Use VOC to Create Fitness Fans for Life

    Blair McHaney Uses Daily VOC to Improve Customer Experience and Front-Line Engagement at Gold’s Gyms in Washington

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    Meet visionary customer advocate Blair McHaney. He uses customer metrics and methods in daily operation, leveraging a customer-centric culture and Medallia VOC software.
    Jan. 23, 2014
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  • Recovering from the Crisis of Missed Holiday Deliveries

    How Well Are Etailers and Shippers Dealing with Customers’ Anger?

    With so many packages not delivered in time for the holidays, etailers and delivery companies had a lot of explaining to do and apologies to make. What can be done to avoid this type of customer experience disaster next holiday season?
    Jan. 10, 2014
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  • Why I Am No Longer a Sears Customer Fails to Deliver on Promises

    Sears has failed this shopper for the last time! Read the sad, sad story of hours wasted, responses not received, and powerless customer service agents following self-serving customer service practices.
    Dec. 5, 2013
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  • Customer Co-Design and Customer Scenario Mapping

    A Philosophy for Customer-Centric Organizations and a Method for Instilling It

    Customer-centric organizations should deliver on their mission by co-designing with customers. And the best method for realizing this goal is to work together to map out your customers’ important scenarios.
    Sep. 12, 2013
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  • Owning the Customer’s Total Experience

    A Success Story for a Company that Didn’t Let a Customer Down in a Time of Need

    When you fail to make sure that your customers have a great and successful experience, whether or not you are in control, you risk losing their business and hurting your brand. But ensuring your customers are successful reaps rewards!
    Aug. 15, 2013
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  • Defining the Customer-Centric Organization

    What Are the Attributes and Behaviors that Define True Customer-Centricity?

    Is yours a truly customer-centric organization? See how well you stack up to the attributes and behaviors that characterize an organization that holds customers at the core.
    Jul. 25, 2013
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  • Turn Customer Co-Design Insights into Action

    How to Gain Momentum by Turning Customer Scenarios into Operational Scorecards, Recommendations, and Action Items

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    After your get your marching orders from customers during a co-design session, how do you trigger action? And Operational Debrief. Learn how to conduct one and how it overcomes organizational obstacles.
    May. 10, 2013
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  • Collaborating with Customers

    Working Together with Customers to Achieve Their Goals

    Collaboration is a method of working together to reach a goal; it isn’t the goal itself. But when you collaborate with customers to reach a goal, the results can be very powerful!
    Apr. 4, 2013
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  • Apple and/or Verizon: How Should Partners Provide Customer Support?

    What Each Did Right and What Needs Improvement When Helping Shared Customers in Need

    Providers who together satisfy customer scenarios are part of a customer ecosystem. And the customer's experience should be seamless, as shown in this story.
    Feb. 14, 2013
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  • Utility Customer Experiences: Stark Contrasts in Dealing with NStar and National Grid

    What Each Did Right and What Needs Improvement When Helping Customers in Need

    Read the best (and worst) practices demonstrated by NStar and National Grid as they help customers deal with a repair.
    Jan. 31, 2013
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  • Tips for Interviewing Customers, Partners, and Stakeholders

    How to Most Effectively Find Out what Customers Want and Need

    In over 25 years of interviewing customers, we have some insights to share about what makes an interview valuable. This report provides tips and techniques.
    Dec. 20, 2012
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  • VOC: Using Customers’ Interviews to Inform Decision-Making

    How the Residents of a Small Community Are Shaping the Future of Healthcare

    We used interviews of residents on the Boothbay peninsula to help keep cherished St. Andrews Hospital, which Maine Health wants to turn into a walk-in clinic. I interviewed 48 patients and published verbatims. The result: a stay of execution.
    Dec. 13, 2012
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  • Assigning Emotions to Moments of Truth

    Enhancing Customer Scenario® Mapping by Capturing Feelings

    Capturing how customers might feel depending on how well you help them achieve their goals can enhance a line of site from customer priorities through your bottom-line opportunities based on how they are feeling while doing business with you.
    Nov. 15, 2012
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  • The Emotional Rollercoaster within Customer Scenarios

    Most Customer Scenarios Bring Out Mixed Customer Emotions; Are You Prepared to Respond to Them?

    What emotions are customers feeling as they get things done? How can you anticipate and respond to customers’ negative emotions?
    Nov. 1, 2012
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  • Creating Customer Advisory Boards that Your Customers Will Love!

    How to Design a Successful “Outside In” CAB Program for Your Customers and Top Executives

    The most successful CABs follow a customer-empowered model in which customers’ issues and priorities are the focal point for the meeting. Don’t show off your ideas; let customers strut their stuff and see how well it meshes with your roadmap.
    Oct. 25, 2012
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  • Getting at Customers’ Moments of Truth

    The New CSM Guidebook: Part 6: Identifying and Measuring Moments of Truth

    Understanding your customers’ scenarios and the potential showstoppers to customer success should be part of your customer experience strategy. Learn how we identify these “Moments of Truth” as a part of Customer Co-Design.
    Sep. 20, 2012
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  • Measure What Matters to Customers

    The New CSM Guidebook: Part 5: The Vital Importance of Metrics

    Measuring things is easy. Figuring out what to measure is hard! Here are guidelines for defining metrics that matter to customers and how you should measure your organization's performance and bottom-line opportunities based on these measurements.
    Aug. 9, 2012
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  • Does B2B Customer Experience Differ from B2C CX?

    A Customer Is a Customer

    Don’t let arbitrary categorization, such as B2B versus B2C, to allow you to provide anything but the best customer experience for your individual customers, whether they are wearing a business or consumer hat.
    Jul. 12, 2012
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  • What Do I Do Now?

    When Customers Are in Crisis, How Well Do You Support Them?

    Crises are great opportunities to gain customer loyalty for life. How your brand and your organization rally to help customers in crisis is often the make or break point in any customer relationship!
    Jun. 28, 2012
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